
JA-SIG Unconf: Recap

So, the JA-SIG un-conference (even the working sessions) is over, giving me a chance to do some thinking and reflection about the event and its aftermath. Overall, the attendance, interest, and excitement demonstrated by all of the participants was pretty overwhelming. We had both more individuals, institutions, and organizations represented than we ever would have ...

Matt Raible JA-SIG Keynote

This post is me catching up with my podcasting from the JA-SIG Summer 2007 Conference in Denver. Matt Raible did a rendition of his Java Frameworks talk, discussing his experience with the various Java web frameworks. I’ve attached an (OK) audio transcript of the talk, which Matt also blogged about at: http://raibledesigns.com/rd/entry/ja_sig_comparing_java_web where he also ...

Rails Logo Tussels

Rethink: Beginning Rails: From Novice to Professional: But where does this leave individual developers/firms/companies who’ve used the logo to promote Rails services or Rails-based products? If the logo is a trademark (and it is), then shouldn’t everyone who’s used it in vain stop using it? I should think so, but it would be nice if ...

Teenager sues over porn picture

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Staffordshire | Teenager sues over porn picture This BBC article has a note about a photo that a British teenage posted on the internet was snapped up and used on the cover of an adult DVD. Adding insult to injury though, is the company’s response to the girl’s ...

Melete 2.4 Upgrades

Working on upgrading from Melete 2.3 – 2.4. The code merges are reasonable, though there’s a pretty good number of small patches that need to go into Sakai from trunk (really wish there was a 2.3.2 that I could just update to instead of having to grab all the individual patches 😉 While I like ...