
Recommended Programmer Reading

I was recently asked via email what training or whatnot I would recommend to bring a programming team up to speed on Java. A couple options come to mind – depending on the overall scope of your programming team and their past experience (if I can ask – what is your past experience?) but, I ...

Sakai Tools – Inside/Outside the Box

Some interesting sakai-ux discussion tied in with thoughts I’ve been having recently related to native vs. integrated services and content in portal-type environments… where do the lines get drawn, and how do you handle horizontal services? From a functionality/architecture point of view, the idea of loosly coupled integrations with external services like wikis, or Google ...

At Jasig Dallas

In Dallas at the Jasig Conference, getting ready for the Board meeting where we’ll be looking at licensing, incubation, and some other strategic concerns related to open-source in HigherEd. Already had some great conversations about CAS & credential replay, Peoplesoft integration, and open-source economics & dynamics. P.S. Ian Dolphin clarified over beers last night that ...

Portlets2008 and CampusEAI Annual Conference Recap

>ландшафт. the exhaustion that was the combined CampusEAI Portlets2008 and Annual conference is now behind us, and it seems like time for some reflections and observations. Hopefully some of these items will be items which I expand upon at a future date, but in no particular order, dumped straight from my brain: * JSR-168 is ...

uPortal 3.0 GA Released

uPortal 3.0 GA (General Availability) was released recently, congratulations to the entire team (and especially Eric from UW-Madison) for all their hard work and efforts.