
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Buzz

Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Buzz: “We’ve relied on other services’ openness in order to build Buzz (you can connect Flickr and Twitter from Buzz in Gmail), and Buzz itself is not designed to be a closed system. Our goal is to make Buzz a fully open and distributed platform for conversations. We’re building on ...

“Sakai Courseware Management” – *the* Sakai Book

This may be old news to others, but I finally have my copy of the new “Sakai Courseware Management” book (courtesy of the folks over at Packt) and more surprisingly have even been able to carve out time to read the contents. For people who may not have been aware, this is the book that ...

Google releases Wave protocol implementation source code – Ars Technica

Google releases Wave protocol implementation source code – Ars Technica: “At the Google I/O conference earlier this year, the search giant revealed an intriguing new communication service called Wave that aims to deliver concurrent messaging and collaborative editing in a single cohesive environment. The underlying Wave Federation Protocol is designed to make it possible for ...

Sakai Tools – Inside/Outside the Box

Some interesting sakai-ux discussion tied in with thoughts I’ve been having recently related to native vs. integrated services and content in portal-type environments… where do the lines get drawn, and how do you handle horizontal services? From a functionality/architecture point of view, the idea of loosly coupled integrations with external services like wikis, or Google ...

Jasig CAS4

Listening to Scott talk about CAS4 work and effort. Core items he’s mentioned look to be: * Redesigned to better support non-CAS protocols (e.g. SAML, etc.) * Increased emphasis on SAML as a product * Better admin tools (service administration, workflow for registering services) * Eased configuration (w/o needing to edit deployerContext.xml) * Better extension ...