
Spring wiring private init-method

While adding some unit tests to older Spring code, I noticed that the production Spring configuration was wiring together some pretty simple Factory objects that had private init() methods (took a few minutes to figure out why I kept getting wavy lines), that looked like this: 1234567891011121314private void init(){ try { StringBuilder sb = new ...

[FIXED] Eclipse Issues with Clicking on Ubuntu/GNOME

For the last few months, have moved most of my work programming from the Mac to Ubuntu (first convenience via VMs, recently because I switched jobs and at the new employer it was that or Windows) which has mostly gone will, though there were some issues around Eclipse UI gotchas, notably: Sometimes buttons wouldn’t let ...

Recommended Programmer Reading

I was recently asked via email what training or whatnot I would recommend to bring a programming team up to speed on Java. A couple options come to mind – depending on the overall scope of your programming team and their past experience (if I can ask – what is your past experience?) but, I ...

BDD with easyb

Recently I’ve grown increasingly fond of the concepts embodied in the “Behavior Driven Development” (BDD) outgrowth of “Test Driven Development” (TDD) and “Domain Driven Design” (DDD) . BDD is a neat twist on TDD and DDD that strives to more closely tie automated tests with both the “ubiquitous language” terminology espoused in DDD, along with ...

Don’t Stop at Gmail | The Hoya

Don’t Stop at Gmail | The Hoya: “Georgetown has never been on the cutting edge of technology. Changes to our e-mail system and wireless service have come slowly, and the university is still in the process of revamping data security following a major security breach last semester. Here is an opportunity to cut costs without ...