
QOTD: Retrospective Prime Directive

Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could, given what they knew at the time, their skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand. – Margaret Motamed on agile-coaching-support (Google Group)

QOTD: Agility

Agility is dynamic, context-specific, aggressively change-embracing, and growth-oriented. It is not about improving efficiency, cutting costs, or battening down the business hatches to ride out fearsome competitive ‘storms.’ It is about succeeding and about winning: about succeeding in emerging competitive arenas, and about winning profits, market share, and customers in the very center of the ...

Late Night Emails

I have a bit of a habit – I send all my thoughtful (well, relatively thoughtful emails) late at night. One of my staff members commented during a 1-1 session that he’s torn – he generally does want to respond/converse when I comment on process, philosophy, and the like (+1) but… it’s like 8,9,10PM and ...

Spring wiring private init-method

While adding some unit tests to older Spring code, I noticed that the production Spring configuration was wiring together some pretty simple Factory objects that had private init() methods (took a few minutes to figure out why I kept getting wavy lines), that looked like this: 1234567891011121314private void init(){ try { StringBuilder sb = new ...

IntelliJ and JRebel

So, after enduring some abuse from colleagues who miss VisualStudio (I have to admit – that feature to move the program counter does look really cool) I spent a bit of time the other day setting up with a trail-run of JRebel. So far the experience has been pretty fantastic – I can use maven to jetty:run ...