
Compiling Java 1.6 projects using Maven on Mac OS X

Compiling Java 1.6 projects using Maven on Mac OS X This makes much sense (took a few minutes though) had my JVM defaulted to JDK 5 from Eclipse 3.4 which wouldn’t run on the 64-bit Java 6 VM – easy fix though – personally I prefer changing the symlinks in /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.Framework/ to point to the ...

Shooting myself in the foot w/maven:release

I was using mvn:release (release:prepare, release:perform) to release a number of modules today (for several hours – so much for speeding up through automation) but kept getting errors to the effect of: [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot connect. Reason: Auth fail [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot connect. Reason: Auth fail It ...

BDD with easyb

Recently I’ve grown increasingly fond of the concepts embodied in the “Behavior Driven Development” (BDD) outgrowth of “Test Driven Development” (TDD) and “Domain Driven Design” (DDD) . BDD is a neat twist on TDD and DDD that strives to more closely tie automated tests with both the “ubiquitous language” terminology espoused in DDD, along with ...

Maven, Tools.jar, and Macs

On the Mac, was using some maven build scripts (well, ANT wrapped in Maven) recently that had references to tools.jar. This is problematical on the mac, since Apple repackages tools.jar (some bits go in Classes.jar) and ironic since some of the classes are already available, so it’s an unecessary error. Some digging revealed a recipe ...

Maven 2 tar.gz issues

I reinstalled my local copy of maven2 recently, and thought I’d add into to google a problem I experienced trying to unarchive the tar.gz or tar.bz2 flavors of their binary distribution. (.zip filesSowohl die Konstellation des eigenen Blattes wie auch Spieltaktiken, wie Bluffen lassen sich statistisch bewerten, daher online poker kostenlos gute Online Kasinopoker Spieler ...