
Shooting myself in the foot w/maven:release

I was using mvn:release (release:prepare, release:perform) to release a number of modules today (for several hours – so much for speeding up through automation) but kept getting errors to the effect of: [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot connect. Reason: Auth fail [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot connect. Reason: Auth fail It ...

Sakai SVN Vendor Branch Outcome

Soo… yesterday I completed my 2.3.1 Sakai vendor branch merge, and it’s now up on a Rutgers test server. It’s been sanity tested, and is ready for further banging. Speaking of banging… it did take quite a few steps to get to this stage… **Note:** 2.3.1 is a *small* merge, I think it was only ...

SVN Vendor Branch Wrangling

So… working on doing a relatively small SVN vendor branch upgrade, and so far finding things much more difficult than it seems like they should be. Problem 1: This was my fault — I checked in a vendor drop using `svn_load_dirs.pl` which had different line endings from my existing SVN tree. Of course, that resulted ...