
[Fixed] Ubuntu 9.10 & Compiz Breaks VNC

So, found out while trying to VNC into my work box, that the “Visual Effects” in Ubuntu breaks the built-in GNOME VNC server – what happens is you can input text, click on controls, but changes are not refreshed into the view (the view isn’t “Damaged”). The current workaround seems to be either moving back ...

Kids Helping Out

Kids Helping Out
Miss the little buggers (at grandma & grandpas) already…

On Google’s Malware List

A week or so ago, I got an email from a friend: ????????Just in case you haven’t noticed this yet, Google links to jay.shao.org now include warnings about malware: Jason E. Shao » Blog Archive » Sakai SVN Vendor Branch Outcome This site may harm your computer. Jul 17, 2007 … Soo… yesterday I completed ...

Colloquy 2.1 (3720)

Blog and it shall be done! Colloquy just released an update which lists the blank chat room problem (source of amusement like “hello…?”. This makes me happy since aside from that small incapacitating bug, I’ve been extremely happy with Colloquy — it makes IRC feel like not IRC 🙂 Release Notes Colloquy 2.1 (3720) The ...

Colloquy: Known Issue

I’ve been using Colloquy as an IRC client — for the most part it’s just beautiful and very Mac like. There is however one annoying recurring bug… “Blank Chat Room Bug” [#576] Blank chat room bug Sometimes, in random intervals, some auto-joined chat rooms appear as blank / empty / not active / plain white ...