
Crucible 2.1 Out

Crucible 2.1 also supports the new pre-commit review creation functionality recently added to the Atlassian IDE Connector for Eclipse. This plugin from Tasktop, the makers of Mylyn, is a must have for Eclipse users who use Crucible (or Bamboo, or JIRA, or FishEye). http://blogs.atlassian.com/devtools/2009/11/crucible21released.htmlлегла This looks pretty nice – pre-commit workflow is a nice addition – ...

More Google Malware Woes

According to Safari 4 this blog is back on the Google malware list, though the Google Website Owner tools (which look neat) don’t appear to flag any warnings, and it’s not clear why that would be the case. The report sounds pretty innocuous, though oddly it shows up as being for:, which nslookup doesn’t report ...


While working on merging 2.5 into our local trunk, I was doing a bunch of `svn merge –dry-run, svn merge` statements, and thought “wouldn’t it be nice if subversion could color-code the status output for me.” `svn help` didn’t produce a –color or –colorize option, so some [googling](http://www.google.com/search?q=colorize+svn+output&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a) lead first to a handy `sed` recipe: ...

Colloquy: Known Issue

I’ve been using Colloquy as an IRC client — for the most part it’s just beautiful and very Mac like. There is however one annoying recurring bug… “Blank Chat Room Bug” [#576] Blank chat room bug Sometimes, in random intervals, some auto-joined chat rooms appear as blank / empty / not active / plain white ...

Code Beautifier and Textile

I’m testing out the “(extlink)MTCodeBeautifier”:http://voisen.org/archives/projects/000239.php plugin. bc[Java]. import java.io.* public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(“Hello World”); } }