
uP3 Day 4: PersonDirectory & Portlet Publishing

Faizan got PersonDirectory working — after several updates and IRC exchanges with Eric. So uP3 now hits Rutgers LDAP to retrieve a mapping of our person attributes. Hard to test since the Portlet spec makes you explicitly declare the user attributes a portlet recieves. Probably privacy friendly, though writing a “show me all the attibutes” ...

uP3 Day 3: More Person Directory, Publishing, & CVS

Eric posted new PersonDirectory code which we updated to try to get — so we’re now running on changeset 2877, not RC1. Sometimes, CVS is just plain evil. Now performing the 3rd import. All kinds of issues with missing files due to default .cvsignore rules -I ! is your friend. Not such a productive day, ...

uP3 Day 2: Oracle & Users

Well, only got a couple of hours today to crack on uP3, but did manage to get it running on Oracle. After fixing the dbLoader thing, today it looks like everything is working (numerous restarts and cleans later). So, then went to add some users, which requires… manual SQL. Adding users required inserting rows into: ...

uP3 Day 1: Download & Install

Downloading uP3 quickstart was easy enough. Faizan exported RC1 from SVN and imported it into our CVS repository. build.properties seems not to have made it — maybe some kind of .cvsignore filter he had on Eclipse when he did the initial checkin. Tried hooking up to Oracle, ran into problems… Spent 30 min or so ...

JA-SIG Projects in Action

John Lewis from Unicon talked about open-source in Universities. Higher Ed has an extremely complex, dynamic, organizational structures. uPortal has grouping and other mechanisms which are more sophisticated than other projects, battle tested for large and sophisticated higher-ed deployments. CAS was one of the first systems, has features like Proxy Auth that no one else ...