
The Ed Techie: What Mailbox limits reveal

The Ed Techie: What Mailbox limits reveal: Grainne posted recently about the frustration of continually getting the ‘Your mailbox is over its size limit’ in our OU email accounts. I can’t tell you how annoying this – sometimes I am just trying to send a quick response to someone before I have to dash out ...

Rails Logo Tussels

Rethink: Beginning Rails: From Novice to Professional: But where does this leave individual developers/firms/companies who’ve used the logo to promote Rails services or Rails-based products? If the logo is a trademark (and it is), then shouldn’t everyone who’s used it in vain stop using it? I should think so, but it would be nice if ...

Music is Struggling

Killing the Music – When I started in the music business, music was important and vital to our culture. Artists connected with their fans. Record labels signed cutting-edge artists, and FM radio offered an incredible variety of music. Music touched fans in a unique and personal way. Our culture was enriched and the music business ...

Disposable DVDs

Disposable DVDs get thumbs-down from buyers – The disposable DVD concept has never been a popular one with most technology-oriented folk, who generally prefer the concept of ownership of their physical property over that of continuously renting it — for example, witness the reservations many have over the DRM restrictions in the iTunes Music Store. ...