
SakaiCon Recap

Sitting on a flight, returning from the Sakai conference — still trying to take everything in. There’ll probably be more musing on the significance of specific items coming up, but things that struck me enough to want to brain dump were: * There was wide consensus during the planning sessions that there’s a desire to ...

SakaiCon: NYC Regional Sakai User Group

I just sat on a panel talking about some of the ongoings at the regional groups around Sakai — California, Australia, the Netherlands, and of course NYC. Sounds like there’s starting to be a lot of activity around certain areas. It was interesting to see that many of the regional organizations were very event-focused, almost ...

@ SakaiCon

Just got off the plane and am at the hotel for the Sakai Conference (explains the flurry of blogging — no distracting internet, so time to write 🙂 ) I’ll be out in Newport Beach, CA from Fri 11/30 – Fri 12/6. If you’re around (esp. Fri night) and looking for something to do give ...

The Ed Techie: What Mailbox limits reveal

The Ed Techie: What Mailbox limits reveal: Grainne posted recently about the frustration of continually getting the ‘Your mailbox is over its size limit’ in our OU email accounts. I can’t tell you how annoying this – sometimes I am just trying to send a quick response to someone before I have to dash out ...

Blackboard Is Losing Customers, but What Does It Mean? at e-Literate

Blackboard Is Losing Customers, but What Does It Mean? at e-Literate “The big loss appears to be unambiguously in Blackboard Basic licenses. One factor that theoretically might have contributed to this loss is consolidation of Basic licenses under a consortial Enterprise license. In this case, the loss of a license wouldn’t equal the loss of ...