
CoolIris nee Piclens

Just updated their Safari plugin – seems to work great in Safari 4.0 Beta. Also added a nifty embedded flash viewer that has lots of the same visualizations and whatnot. This is pretty cool – I may have to replace my default Flickr photo bit with this…

SakaiCon: NYC Regional Sakai User Group

I just sat on a panel talking about some of the ongoings at the regional groups around Sakai — California, Australia, the Netherlands, and of course NYC. Sounds like there’s starting to be a lot of activity around certain areas. It was interesting to see that many of the regional organizations were very event-focused, almost ...

Going to Sakai in Amsterdam

(at the last minute) I’m going to be in Amsterdam next week at the Sakai conference. I’d love to link up with anyone there — IM jayshao or drop me email through the contact form and let’s pick a time to get together.


Arrived in Atlanta for the JA-SIG Conference. Atlanta airport has a looooooong concourse… definitely was not walking through the first 3 terminals… Cell phone is busted though, so if anyone needs to reach me AIM (jayshao) is probably the best way. Now just have to finish those presentations that got interrupted by Rutgers WVU going ...


Hehe, originally uploaded by jayshao. Sometimes I swear, Chris just looks like he’s up to something…