
Updated Rutgers to Samigo 2.4

So I finished merging in the Samigo 2.4 changes to the Rutgers code base yesterday the [instructions in the wiki](http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/SAM/Running+Samigo+2.4+in+Sakai+2.3) were actually very good — one small mis-merge on my part, but aside from the self-imposed pain the merge went quite smoothly. So far, the defaulting to off of the rich text areas is a ...

Deep-linking in Sakai

So something I’ve always really wanted Sakai to do for me is allow me to link directly to a specific item within a tool, deep-link into a wiki page, or individual test or assignment (ideally with nice RESTful URLs, but I’d settle for being able to do it at all). Yuji posted a note on ...

Sakai SVN Vendor Branch Outcome

Soo… yesterday I completed my 2.3.1 Sakai vendor branch merge, and it’s now up on a Rutgers test server. It’s been sanity tested, and is ready for further banging. Speaking of banging… it did take quite a few steps to get to this stage… **Note:** 2.3.1 is a *small* merge, I think it was only ...

SVN Vendor Branch Wrangling

So… working on doing a relatively small SVN vendor branch upgrade, and so far finding things much more difficult than it seems like they should be. Problem 1: This was my fault — I checked in a vendor drop using `svn_load_dirs.pl` which had different line endings from my existing SVN tree. Of course, that resulted ...

JA-SIG Conference: Unconference Planning

Thinking about things to do for the new JA-SIG. Some talk on various topics related to un-conferences, and other bits. There was actually a lot of interesting discussion about regional conferences, video meetings, un-conferences, events focused on collaborating on whitepages, etc. I’ll updated with an audio transcript… uhhh… when I get a chance…