
OSP ePortfolios & Sakai Courseware?

I started this entry while I was riding a train back from the Laguardia ePortfolio Conference I’m endeavoring to reflect upon and synthesize threads from various (enlightening) presentations I’ve seen, and discussions I’ve had the privilege of participating in. First a brief plug: the content from the conference was fantastic — many congratulations to the ...

Blackboard Won. Making the case for open source

Blackboard Won:This just in A Texas jury has found Kitchener software company Desire2Learn Inc. guilty of infringing on an American competitor’s patent.The verdict, announced this afternoon, allows Blackboard Inc. to demand a ban on sales of Desire2Learn’s products in the United States. (Via e-Literate.)Michael F. isn’t the only one who’s speechless at this decision. The ...

Jason’s Employment 2.0

Well the questions are pouring in (mostly due to my tardiness in writing this kind of announcement) and so, without farther ado… ## What Happened? While it still feels a little strange to say it, as of 2 Fridays ago (2/8) I am no longer employed at Rutgers University. Over the last 9 years as ...

SakaiCon Recap

Sitting on a flight, returning from the Sakai conference — still trying to take everything in. There’ll probably be more musing on the significance of specific items coming up, but things that struck me enough to want to brain dump were: * There was wide consensus during the planning sessions that there’s a desire to ...

SakaiCon: NYC Regional Sakai User Group

I just sat on a panel talking about some of the ongoings at the regional groups around Sakai — California, Australia, the Netherlands, and of course NYC. Sounds like there’s starting to be a lot of activity around certain areas. It was interesting to see that many of the regional organizations were very event-focused, almost ...