

(Actually from last night during the flight, but then I got home…) As part of my new position for CampusEAI I’ve had a fairly aggressive travel schedule over the past few weeks (the cost of not relocating). It has however forced me to become much more closely acquainted with the airlines (and Continental in particular) ...

Jason’s Employment 2.0

Well the questions are pouring in (mostly due to my tardiness in writing this kind of announcement) and so, without farther ado… ## What Happened? While it still feels a little strange to say it, as of 2 Fridays ago (2/8) I am no longer employed at Rutgers University. Over the last 9 years as ...

Gainfully Employed

Gainfully Employed
As you can see by the orgchart above, I have accepted an offer of employment from Rutgers University Office of Information Technology. I’m working full-time as of 1/26/2005, and will be working on the myRutgers Portal among other projects. You can see me reporting to the “vacant” box in the lower right hand corner. Although ...

Outsourcing to… Georgia?

The New York Times – New Report Says Outsourcing Causes 9% of U.S. Layoffs bq.. The bulk of outsourced jobs never leave U.S. shores, the government said on Thursday in a new report suggesting concerns over American workers losing jobs to cheaper foreign labor may be exaggerated. Nine percent of non-seasonal U.S. layoffs in the ...

Unemployment and Offshoring

Say I wanted to build a technology research company from scratch. I would hire all of the principal analysts and core management team (including IT) from US sources. All of the accounting, admin, international sales, research associates, call center sales, editorial support, translation services, report production, and IT services would be hired from offshore sources ...