

(Actually from last night during the flight, but then I got home…) As part of my new position for CampusEAI I’ve had a fairly aggressive travel schedule over the past few weeks (the cost of not relocating). It has however forced me to become much more closely acquainted with the airlines (and Continental in particular) ...



New Daleks to Have Feet

DALEKS could be given LEGS in the new series of Dr Who. Show bosses are looking at the exterminators being able to climb stairs, fly and hover. Their legs may be like those of Star Wars robot R2D2. Or the BBC could use our ideas — and have the Doctor’s enemy with Penny Lancaster pins ...

Palm Dropping Mac Support

Dan Gillmor writes about Palm Dropping Mac OS Sync Support in their new “Cobalt” devices. Considering that Mac users are an easily targeted, easily protected relatively affluent community that has demonstrated a willingness to purchase expensive computer peripherals I think Palm is making a mistake. Native Mac support may not be a deciding factor for ...