
Spring wiring private init-method

While adding some unit tests to older Spring code, I noticed that the production Spring configuration was wiring together some pretty simple Factory objects that had private init() methods (took a few minutes to figure out why I kept getting wavy lines), that looked like this: 1234567891011121314private void init(){ try { StringBuilder sb = new ...

Loadtesting on EC2 – in all cloud++

Recently at work, had a need to rerun some load-testing numbers, but got stick since our internal servers all had builds we were looking at, or weren’t setup, or yada, yada… so we turned to EC2, with overall pretty positive results. Some background – we build a web-based portal application that runs on a lightweight ...

Recommended Programmer Reading

I was recently asked via email what training or whatnot I would recommend to bring a programming team up to speed on Java. A couple options come to mind – depending on the overall scope of your programming team and their past experience (if I can ask – what is your past experience?) but, I ...

Jason’s Employment 2.0

Well the questions are pouring in (mostly due to my tardiness in writing this kind of announcement) and so, without farther ado… ## What Happened? While it still feels a little strange to say it, as of 2 Fridays ago (2/8) I am no longer employed at Rutgers University. Over the last 9 years as ...

Sakai Conference: Content Hosting & Resources

Ian’s talking about plug-able back-end implementations for ContentHosting and the Resources tool. Looks like a VFS type layer that should support adding arbitrary backing stores – the example he gave was DSpace, but people are talking about other stores like AFS, iTunes, etc. One of the comments that’s come up during the discussion is how ...