
Walmart Night Lock-ins

Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins by Wal-Mart – It was 3 a.m., Mr. Rodriguez recalled, some heavy machinery had just smashed into his ankle, and he had no idea how he would get to the hospital. The Sam’s Club, a Wal-Mart subsidiary, had locked its overnight workers in, as it always did, to keep robbers out ...

Dilbert’s Ultimate Cubicle

Dilbert’s Ultimate Cubicle – “Over the years, DILBERT fans have e-mailed me on all sorts of topics. And after a while, I began to realize that a common theme among the majority of them was the fact that most people are highly frustrated with their cubicles. So I started to think, ‘What would DILBERT want ...

Is Fair Trade Coffee Good?

p. “(extlink)Fair Trade Coffee”:http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/fairtrade/coffee/ has become a buzzword recently, with the aim of providing a higher portion of proceeds back to coffee farmers, who have been hurt by low coffee prices, due to oversupply on the market. If we increase the price paid for generic coffee, however, won’t that simply encourage more farmers to grow ...

Nice Day Today

Lets hear it for nice weather. Such a relief compared to the last few weeks of snow, storms, and everything else. It seems like a good way to end Spring Break. ——–