
Sakai Conference: U-Camp

Caught the last half of U-Camp at Sakai — mostly a presentation on RSF, from a designer’s perspective. There are pieces of RSF that do look attractive — plain (X)HTML templates, Spring integration, etc. I still wonder if the world needs yet another component framework — especially one that’s essentially proprietary to Sakai/Higher Education. Tapestry? ...


I just got back from 4 days out at University of Montana where I presented a couple of sessions at the Portlets2007 conference. It was an interesting experience — most of my past experience has been at JA-SIG, JUGs, or other open-source heavy audiences which tend to be… shall we say… self-selected. I did 2 ...

Philly Spring UG – Grails

Went to a Philly SpringFramework User Group Meeting last night (http://phillyspring.org/past_meetings.html) where a Grails committer demoed Grails. I have to admin, both Groovy and Grails were very impressing. Groovy’s syntax is nice, clean (especally collections – map,list literals, object literals), Java-like and expressive. Grails takes a lot of Rails inspired features like scaffolding, generators, conventions ...

Cornell Notification System (KEN)

Project looking to provide a super-inbox for important notifications. Using the Kuali Enterprise Notification service – again use cases look a lot like the myRutgers Alert system. Actually, sounds like the vision of our alerts combined with announcements combined with other things. avoid the overloaded email box integrated with workflow user & group addressing audit ...

Kuali Infrastructure Suite

Building components aimed at serving needs of Kuali (Finance, Research, Student?), but hopefully reusable in other contexts. Kuali Rice – middleware to facilitate workflow, ESB, notification “Nervous System” “Rice Client” tied into ESB to pass around real-time messages and communication. One of the goals seems to be to limit the amount of Java code in ...