
On Google’s Malware List

A week or so ago, I got an email from a friend: ????????Just in case you haven’t noticed this yet, Google links to jay.shao.org now include warnings about malware: Jason E. Shao » Blog Archive » Sakai SVN Vendor Branch Outcome This site may harm your computer. Jul 17, 2007 … Soo… yesterday I completed ...

Desire2Blog: Sakai Seems to Think It’s Over

Desire2Blog: Sakai Seems to Think It’s Over: Maybe Sakai thinks they are finished with this thing, but I’m pretty sure that D2L, SFLC, Blackboard, and all the other players are expecting it to continue on for quite some time. It could very well be that their input from this point forward will be minimal or ...

Portals and LMSs (and Collaboration, SIS, Library, and other Suites)

Clay from Georgia Tech shot me an email recently which spurred me to try and put to words how my thinking has evolved about the relationship of an enterprise portal and Sakai, and where these technologies and communities are heading. In general I think the focus of “enterprise portals” has always been one of integration ...

Dominos Gets Actionable Intelligence

Dominos Gets Actionable Intelligence
So I was ordering a pizza today from Dominos (been a while, but being car-less around lunch tends to limit options) and noticed that they have just about the coolest web feedback system for an order I’ve seen: So, not only can I see an estimated delivery time, but if I leave the browser open ...

Blackboard Won. Making the case for open source

Blackboard Won:This just in A Texas jury has found Kitchener software company Desire2Learn Inc. guilty of infringing on an American competitor’s patent.The verdict, announced this afternoon, allows Blackboard Inc. to demand a ban on sales of Desire2Learn’s products in the United States. (Via e-Literate.)Michael F. isn’t the only one who’s speechless at this decision. The ...