
Blackboard Is Losing Customers, but What Does It Mean? at e-Literate

Blackboard Is Losing Customers, but What Does It Mean? at e-Literate “The big loss appears to be unambiguously in Blackboard Basic licenses. One factor that theoretically might have contributed to this loss is consolidation of Basic licenses under a consortial Enterprise license. In this case, the loss of a license wouldn’t equal the loss of ...

Where Congress spends $$$

Now on Google Earth: Map where Congress spends your tax dollars | Tech news blog – CNET News.com “The Sunlight Foundation on Tuesday released a downloadable Google Earth layer that plots what it says are some 1,500 earmarks attached to a proposed U.S. House of Representatives defense spending bill. The Washington-based group describes its mission ...

EDUCAUSE Community Source Reception

At the Community Source reception cosponsored by JA-SIG, Sakai, Kuali it was uplifting to see the number of people participating. CIOs, managers, developers, vendors were all present in abundance. It was also clear from conversation at the reception that open-source in the Higher Ed is breaking into new areas. While there’s no question infrastructure and ...

Colloquy: Known Issue

I’ve been using Colloquy as an IRC client — for the most part it’s just beautiful and very Mac like. There is however one annoying recurring bug… “Blank Chat Room Bug” [#576] Blank chat room bug Sometimes, in random intervals, some auto-joined chat rooms appear as blank / empty / not active / plain white ...

Rails Logo Tussels

Rethink: Beginning Rails: From Novice to Professional: But where does this leave individual developers/firms/companies who’ve used the logo to promote Rails services or Rails-based products? If the logo is a trademark (and it is), then shouldn’t everyone who’s used it in vain stop using it? I should think so, but it would be nice if ...