
SakaiCon: NYC Regional Sakai User Group

I just sat on a panel talking about some of the ongoings at the regional groups around Sakai — California, Australia, the Netherlands, and of course NYC. Sounds like there’s starting to be a lot of activity around certain areas. It was interesting to see that many of the regional organizations were very event-focused, almost ...

The Ed Techie: What Mailbox limits reveal

The Ed Techie: What Mailbox limits reveal: Grainne posted recently about the frustration of continually getting the ‘Your mailbox is over its size limit’ in our OU email accounts. I can’t tell you how annoying this – sometimes I am just trying to send a quick response to someone before I have to dash out ...

JA-SIG Unconf: Recap

So, the JA-SIG un-conference (even the working sessions) is over, giving me a chance to do some thinking and reflection about the event and its aftermath. Overall, the attendance, interest, and excitement demonstrated by all of the participants was pretty overwhelming. We had both more individuals, institutions, and organizations represented than we ever would have ...

JA-SIG Unconf: Lightning Talks

After taking out a while to do introductions and handle the administrativa (even unconfs can’t seem to get away from it) we’re into the lightning talks which I’m trying to keep up with to podcast. They’re going pretty fast, we’ve gone through something like 6 so far, and they’re coming up fast. Update: I was ...

Where Congress spends $$$

Now on Google Earth: Map where Congress spends your tax dollars | Tech news blog – CNET News.com “The Sunlight Foundation on Tuesday released a downloadable Google Earth layer that plots what it says are some 1,500 earmarks attached to a proposed U.S. House of Representatives defense spending bill. The Washington-based group describes its mission ...