
BDD with easyb

Recently I’ve grown increasingly fond of the concepts embodied in the “Behavior Driven Development” (BDD) outgrowth of “Test Driven Development” (TDD) and “Domain Driven Design” (DDD) . BDD is a neat twist on TDD and DDD that strives to more closely tie automated tests with both the “ubiquitous language” terminology espoused in DDD, along with ...

Hudson Radiator View

Hudson Radiator View
This is cool – recently enabled a Radiator view on Hudson, which gives you a quick at-a-glance build status array for display as extreme feedback on a wall or chart — seems particularly useful for distributed or distance teams if you’re willing to plug in a couple extra monitors to give them a huddle-room feel.

Maven, Tools.jar, and Macs

On the Mac, was using some maven build scripts (well, ANT wrapped in Maven) recently that had references to tools.jar. This is problematical on the mac, since Apple repackages tools.jar (some bits go in Classes.jar) and ironic since some of the classes are already available, so it’s an unecessary error. Some digging revealed a recipe ...

Blackboard buys Angel Learning – Washington Business Journal:

Blackboard buys Angel Learning – Washington Business Journal “Education software maker Blackboard Inc., which was losing money a year ago, reported a break-even quarter and announced plans to acquire fellow education software maker Angel Learning Inc. for $95 million in cash and stock.” Another one bites the dust…

Sakai Tools – Inside/Outside the Box

Some interesting sakai-ux discussion tied in with thoughts I’ve been having recently related to native vs. integrated services and content in portal-type environments… where do the lines get drawn, and how do you handle horizontal services? From a functionality/architecture point of view, the idea of loosly coupled integrations with external services like wikis, or Google ...