
JA-SIG Unconf: Recap

So, the JA-SIG un-conference (even the working sessions) is over, giving me a chance to do some thinking and reflection about the event and its aftermath. Overall, the attendance, interest, and excitement demonstrated by all of the participants was pretty overwhelming. We had both more individuals, institutions, and organizations represented than we ever would have ...

Where Congress spends $$$

Now on Google Earth: Map where Congress spends your tax dollars | Tech news blog – CNET News.com “The Sunlight Foundation on Tuesday released a downloadable Google Earth layer that plots what it says are some 1,500 earmarks attached to a proposed U.S. House of Representatives defense spending bill. The Washington-based group describes its mission ...

Unlocking N75

I got into the UK and one of the first things I wanted to do was to unlock my AT&T cell phone so that I could use it with a local SIM card. Afterall, being able to take my phone internationally was one of the main benefits of switching to a GSM provider. Getting the ...

Certificates: Oracle Wallet -> Tomcat

Bottom line: scrub your certificates through Mozilla/Firefox. Keep reading if you want more background. So I recently experienced an unreasonable amount of pain trying to import a Verisign certificate that was locked into an Oracle Wallet for use in the Tomcat SSL connector. So of course the decent thing to do seems to be to ...

JA-SIG Conference: Future of Identity Management in HigherEd

Jens’s talk is focusing on Identity Management where he’s focusing on life-cycle of identity data. Looks like the talk is going to focus on moving towards user-centered identity.”Access to the right resources, to the right users, at the right time” — focused on providing, not preventing access (e.g. from a security perspective). Authentication vs. Authorization ...