
Colloquy 2.1 (3720)

Blog and it shall be done! Colloquy just released an update which lists the blank chat room problem (source of amusement like “hello…?”. This makes me happy since aside from that small incapacitating bug, I’ve been extremely happy with Colloquy — it makes IRC feel like not IRC 🙂 Release Notes Colloquy 2.1 (3720) The ...

SVN Vendor Branch Wrangling

So… working on doing a relatively small SVN vendor branch upgrade, and so far finding things much more difficult than it seems like they should be. Problem 1: This was my fault — I checked in a vendor drop using `svn_load_dirs.pl` which had different line endings from my existing SVN tree. Of course, that resulted ...

Sakai Conference: Content Hosting & Resources

Ian’s talking about plug-able back-end implementations for ContentHosting and the Resources tool. Looks like a VFS type layer that should support adding arbitrary backing stores – the example he gave was DSpace, but people are talking about other stores like AFS, iTunes, etc. One of the comments that’s come up during the discussion is how ...

Power Blip

Just lost power for about 20 seconds… it’s kind of strange when the lights go out, but the laptop stays on. Really, the biggest problem was that the net connection went down. Otherwise — the battery is supposed to be good for 3 hours or so… Heh. Tried to post this before the network came ...

I finally get REST. Wow.

I finally get REST. Wow. It’s depressing to think that SOAP started just about 10 years ago and that now that everything is said and done, we built RPC again. I know SOAP is really an XML messaging protocol, you can do oneway async stuff, etc, etc, but let’s face it. The tools make the ...