
Mars Edit

I’ve been playing with [MarsEdit](http://www.ranchero.com/marsedit/), and must say that I’m impressed. The biggest problem for me would have to be the fact that I spend so much time on a PC at work, that I don’t feel like I can get tied to too many Mac only programs. If only [Firefox](http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox) supported spell-checking as you ...


.: Snoop Dogg – Tha Shizzolator :. Give it a URL to see what the page would look like if Snoop Dogg was saying it. Load this page to see what “the Underware goes Outside the Pants” would sound like from Snoop. > Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal? It’s a ...

Bush, Kerry, and voting Independent?

There’s been a lot of heated debate over dishonesty and manipulation of facts after the Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates. In many ways I think the items that are attracting outrage are relatively small, and those more deserving of public scrutiny seem to be getting ignored. For instance, given the overall context of a political debate, ...

Gap Reveals Human Rights Conditions

Fast Company | Gap’s New Look: The See-Through On May 12, Gap Inc. released a report that had jaws dropping in corporate boardrooms and activist corridors across the land. The 40-page “social-responsibility report” details, with unflinching honesty, the problems the $6.5 billion clothing retailer found in the 3,000 factories it contracted to produce clothing for ...

Why I’m a Mac User

[Richard Scoble](http://radio.weblogs.com/0001011/) of Microsoft asked: > “Mark: tell me what you can do on a Mac that you can’t do on a PC? > Give me, say, five examples. Here’s your chance to do some great > advertising for Apple. The kind they can’t buy.” While I don’ feel the zealous need to defend my ...