
“Blackboard may lose its patent…”

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued a preliminary decision Tuesday that would invalidate Blackboard Inc.’s patent on its e-learning management systems. (Via

Blackboard Won. Making the case for open source

Blackboard Won:This just in A Texas jury has found Kitchener software company Desire2Learn Inc. guilty of infringing on an American competitor’s patent.The verdict, announced this afternoon, allows Blackboard Inc. to demand a ban on sales of Desire2Learn’s products in the United States. (Via e-Literate.)Michael F. isn’t the only one who’s speechless at this decision. The ...

Blackboard Is Losing Customers, but What Does It Mean? at e-Literate

Blackboard Is Losing Customers, but What Does It Mean? at e-Literate “The big loss appears to be unambiguously in Blackboard Basic licenses. One factor that theoretically might have contributed to this loss is consolidation of Basic licenses under a consortial Enterprise license. In this case, the loss of a license wouldn’t equal the loss of ...

EDUCAUSE Community Source Reception

At the Community Source reception cosponsored by JA-SIG, Sakai, Kuali it was uplifting to see the number of people participating. CIOs, managers, developers, vendors were all present in abundance. It was also clear from conversation at the reception that open-source in the Higher Ed is breaking into new areas. While there’s no question infrastructure and ...

Gaming to Teach Java

via email from the Princeton JUG Another interesting resource for learning about Java and programming is http://www.greenfoot.org/. It is an interactive learning tool that starts by having you build a game world with actors, using a GUI. Then, you learn how to enhance the world by using Java code. It’s worth a look. At JavaOne ...