
“Blackboard may lose its patent…”

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued a preliminary decision Tuesday that would invalidate Blackboard Inc.’s patent on its e-learning management systems. (Via

Dominos Gets Actionable Intelligence

Dominos Gets Actionable Intelligence
So I was ordering a pizza today from Dominos (been a while, but being car-less around lunch tends to limit options) and noticed that they have just about the coolest web feedback system for an order I’ve seen: So, not only can I see an estimated delivery time, but if I leave the browser open ...

The Ed Techie: What Mailbox limits reveal

The Ed Techie: What Mailbox limits reveal: Grainne posted recently about the frustration of continually getting the ‘Your mailbox is over its size limit’ in our OU email accounts. I can’t tell you how annoying this – sometimes I am just trying to send a quick response to someone before I have to dash out ...

Where Congress spends $$$

Now on Google Earth: Map where Congress spends your tax dollars | Tech news blog – CNET News.com “The Sunlight Foundation on Tuesday released a downloadable Google Earth layer that plots what it says are some 1,500 earmarks attached to a proposed U.S. House of Representatives defense spending bill. The Washington-based group describes its mission ...

A Hard Eye on What IT Buys: Re-thinking IT Service Organizations

Fourth Annual NJEDge.Net Conference | A Hard Eye on What IT Buys: Re-thinking IT Service Organizations: “ad-hoc-cracy” and a a mention that only 2 industries (IT and Illicit drugs) refer to their customers as users highlighted this presentation. Overall the presentation was good, though I think at the end of the day, the audience question ...