
eTel: The open source phone crowd talks to itself

eTel: The open source phone crowd talks to itself An example: An otherwise excellent speaker on identity, Kaliya Hamlin, tried to suggest some potential win-win strategies in identity management that would help users while still enabling the operators to make money. She suggested that the operators offer identity services and tie them to a commerce ...

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

NYTimes Magazine article on healthy eating.

Philly Spring UG – Grails

Went to a Philly SpringFramework User Group Meeting last night (http://phillyspring.org/past_meetings.html) where a Grails committer demoed Grails. I have to admin, both Groovy and Grails were very impressing. Groovy’s syntax is nice, clean (especally collections – map,list literals, object literals), Java-like and expressive. Grails takes a lot of Rails inspired features like scaffolding, generators, conventions ...

Change or Die

http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/94/open_change-or-die.html Kotter has hit on a crucial insight. “Behavior change happens mostly by speaking to people’s feelings,” he says. “This is true even in organizations that are very focused on analysis and quantitative measurement, even among people who think of themselves as smart in an MBA sense. In highly successful change efforts, people find ways ...


Arrived in Atlanta for the JA-SIG Conference. Atlanta airport has a looooooong concourse… definitely was not walking through the first 3 terminals… Cell phone is busted though, so if anyone needs to reach me AIM (jayshao) is probably the best way. Now just have to finish those presentations that got interrupted by Rutgers WVU going ...