
New Rutgers Website

“Rutgers University”:http://www.rutgers.edu has comeup with a new overall website template, which they’ve used for the new main site, as well as the New Brunswick/Piscataway Campus section. While much more visually sophisticated and inline with current trends than the past design, I have noticed that the current design uses tables in several locations to layout HTML. ...

Textile Plug-in

p. I’ve installed “Brad Choate’s”:http://www.bradchoate.com/past/mttextile.php MT-Textile Plugin and am experimenting with taking my entries further in the direction of structured text. The Textile language, developed by Dean Allen and expounded in his “Textism”:http://textism.com website seems to me to be a much needed shorthand for properly using some of the many HTML constructs which exist, but ...

Robots to Take Over US Economy by 2050?

Marshall Brain, the creater of the How Stuff Works website has written a piece discussing his belief that Humanoid Robots will take over the American Economy by 2050. His claim is that advances in robotics will produce humanoid robots that will increasingly replace humans at lower-income jobs due to their lower operating costs, producing millions ...

Piles in OSX 10.3 (Panther)

There’s been a lot of web discussion about the possibility of OSX 10.3 including support for piles. It sounds like an interesting feature, and Bruce Tognazzini talks about the original research regarding piles on his website Ask tog. He talks about piles being a context sensitive data structure. I see 2 useful roles for piles: ...

Safari & Proxy Autoconfig

Dave Hyatt, who is currently working at Apple Computer on their Safari browser has asked for users “Top Ten Problems With Safari’s Web Page Display.” My issues so far are: