
Scripturizer Movable Type Plugin

p. “(extlink)Dean Peters”:http://mt-plugins.org/archives/entry/scripturizer.php has created an excellent “(extlink)Movable Type”:http://www.movabletype.org plugin which I’m using to automatically build links to passages in my comments on my daily devotional. His text processor automatically replaces chapter and verse references with a link to “(extlink)Bible Gateway”:http://www.biblegateway.com . The only item I had to make was a slight modification to the ...

Google Calculator (Google Agent?)

p. “(extlink)Google”:http://www.google.com now allows you to enter math equations directly into the web search field, and it will automatically spit out results, as well as do unit conversions among other things. For instance, if you enter: *speed of light * 2* then google will return the speed of light * 2 = 599 584 916 ...

SunnComm Drops Lawsuit

The “Daily Princetonian”:http://www.dailyprincetonian.com has an article titled “Threat of lawsuit passes for student”:http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/archives/2003/10/10/news/8797.shtml regairding SunnComm’s decision to drop a threatened lawsuit against a Graduate student who published a method to defeat their newest copy protection scheme. While they are trying to spin it off as a desire not to be the company that “creates any ...

Arnold Elected Governor

Arnold Schwartzeneggar was elected governor of California today (Arnold’s Campaign Website). With a fairly solid showing in terms of the electorate. It seems however, that people’s reaction to the recall was more one of disatisfaction with the current administration than a ringing endorsement of Arnold’s candidacy. It should be interesting to see how things shape ...


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