
Did Blogs Amplify War-Propoganda

Did the weblog world do anything other than amplify the pre-war Bush propaganda campaign on Iraqi WMD?  Are we in the worst of all worlds when the mainstream media (our former gatekeepers) buys into a completely false propoganda campaign and that same propoganda is supported online by tens of thousands of mini-Limbaughs? [John Robb’s Weblog] Considering much of ...

Blogging and RSS in Schools

Blogging and RSS: The “What’s It?” and “How To” of Powerful New Web Tools for Educators – The internet has long been valued by teachers and librarians as a powerful research and communications tool, and in the last 10 years, it has brought about a sea change in the way students find, manage, and use ...

New CSS Site Design

The frontpage has been redone into a new design using CSS to position the sidebars. There’s a few bugs to work out (particularly in Internet Explorer) but hopefully they’ll get worked out in a few days and then I’ll extend the design to the rest of the site.

UID to Sort Blog Posts?

The Echo Effect in the Blogosphere – I wish there were a Universal Story ID Number (USID)  in the blogosphere.  Then I wish my RSS Feed Reader could organize my content by the USID so that I could turn off a story and all comments related to that story.  [< a href="http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/MikeWalsh/" class="extlink">Mike Walsh’s Social Software Stuff] He brings up an interesting point of how with ...

Bollywood Partners with Kazaa

Bollywood in Internet download deal – BANGALORE (Reuters) – India’s film makers are offering Internet movie downloads on web site Kazaa in a move that could lower costs and boost revenues in Bollywood, the world’s most prolific film production centre. [Reuters UK] As I “previously blogged”:89 Bollywood seems to be embracing the prospects of digital ...