
In the begining…

This is the start of my new blog. I’ve heard a lot about working with Movable Type based systems, so I thought I’d like to give one a try. Hopefully we’ll see lots of information here, and it’ll stay reasonably current. For now, I’m going to keep this seperate from my jay.shao.org website where I ...


Been doing PT again now that the winter break is wrapping to a close, and it’s really been wiping me out. Also, I’ve gotten a couple copies of the email form letter about Jane Fonda and Vietnam vets on the web recently. If you see it take it with a grain of salt. Many of ...

Final Exams

I’m in the middle of final exams at Rutgers right now. I have 1 tonite from 8PM until 11PM, and another tomorrow at noon, so I don’t expect to really be able to get into working on this site until later on, maybe after the holidays. I’m hopping that using a weblog style backend will ...