
Kantor on One-time Emails

One-Time-Use E-Mail Addresses – You sign up with a address company (e.g., “NoSpam.com”) that you give your real address to. When you need to provide a valid e-mail address on a site, you click a button and NoSpam would instantly generate an address — maybe “x43gti@akantor.nospam.com.” Ugly? Yeah. But who cares? You could specify how ...

Blogging and RSS in Schools

Blogging and RSS: The “What’s It?” and “How To” of Powerful New Web Tools for Educators – The internet has long been valued by teachers and librarians as a powerful research and communications tool, and in the last 10 years, it has brought about a sea change in the way students find, manage, and use ...

New NJ Drivers Licenses

“(extlink)New N.J. Licenses May Cause Problems”:http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/news/122903-njdmv.html – Beginning January 8th the state Motor Vehicle Commission will begin on a limited basis issuing new digital drivers licenses– but because they’re so new, they may not be accepted at first. Some commission workers who already have digital licenses found that out the hard way. [ “(extlink)ABC”:http://www.abc.com ] ...

New CSS Site Design

The frontpage has been redone into a new design using CSS to position the sidebars. There’s a few bugs to work out (particularly in Internet Explorer) but hopefully they’ll get worked out in a few days and then I’ll extend the design to the rest of the site.

NAFTA Effects

A decade later, a tempered vision of NAFTA – Industrial space that was once hotter than a jalapeƱo pepper is cooling as companies that flocked to Mexico in the 1990s are looking to China, Honduras, Sri Lanka, and elsewhere for lower wages and better all-around conditions. Overall, the number of jobs in Mexico’s so-called maquiladora ...