
Shrook and an Automatic (OPML) Blogroll

I’ve discovered myself relying more and more upon “(extlink)Shrook”:http://www.fondantfancies.com/shrook/ (my MacOSX RSS Aggregator) to get my daily newsfix. In addition to the standard functionality of allowing me to subscribe to sites, and identifying new posts, Shrook also automatically syncs with “(extlink)Shrook.com”:http://www.shrook.com both keeping track of which stories I’ve read regardless of what computer I’m on ...

WTC 9/11 Memorial Design

WTC 9/11 Memorial Design
Memorial to 9/11 Victims Is Selected – A design consisting of two reflecting pools and a large grove of trees was chosen for the World Trade Center memorial after an eight-month competition that drew more than 5,000 entries from around the world, officials announced Tuesday. [ “(extlink)NY Times”:http://www.nytimes.com ] Personally, the design evokes memories of ...

Nafta and Mobile Factors of Production

NAFTA reality check – However, when Ricardo said that free trade would produce shared gains for all nations, he assumed that the resources used to produce goods — what he called the “factors of production” — would not be easily moved over international borders. Comparative advantage is undermined if the factors of production can relocate ...

Did Blogs Amplify War-Propoganda

Did the weblog world do anything other than amplify the pre-war Bush propaganda campaign on Iraqi WMD?  Are we in the worst of all worlds when the mainstream media (our former gatekeepers) buys into a completely false propoganda campaign and that same propoganda is supported online by tens of thousands of mini-Limbaughs? [John Robb’s Weblog] Considering much of ...

Can Apple Grow the Mac?

Expo Speculations [Jan. 05, 2004] – With all the hoopla over ITMS for Windows and the fact that iPods work with non-Mac computers, it’s easy to overlook the fact that Apple’s music strategy is another proprietary platform play. That’s the strategy that gave Microsoft its monopoly and made Apple a niche player in the computer ...