
Religion of Environmentalism

Michael Crichton has posted an essay about what he feels is the greatest threat in our time: The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the ...

French Reaction to Saddam Capture

Tyler Cowen writes: I am blogging from Paris, where the reaction to Saddam’s capture has been noticeably subdued. The Parisians, however, have never been nicer to me. I find not a trace of snobbery or hostility. Everyone is quite willing to speak English once they hear my miserable French. He also goes on to discuss ...

Film Restoration

A John Lowry interview posted up on the Apple Computer website where he talks about how he restores old degraded film. “It’s like cleaning your glasses so you can see more. We want to remove the veil so that you can see everything that’s in the original.”

Does Islam Need a Pope?

An Edward Fraser Article proposes that what Islam really needs is an institution like the pope or Catholic church to allow it to adapt to changing times, and serve as a force to bring disparate elements back together. It’s an interesting way for protestants to look at the Catholic church, especially in a day and ...

British IRS has Sense of Humor

p. “(extlink)Adam Smith Institute Blog”:http://www.adamsmithblog.org republished a “(extlink)letter reprinted in the Guardian”:http://www.guardian.co.uk/guardian_jobs_and_money/story/0,3605,1050281,00.html from the British Tax Collection Agency in response to an irate letter from someone owing taxes. It’s quite funny, and certainly more humorous than an American response from the IRS.