
Jason’s Employment 2.0

Well the questions are pouring in (mostly due to my tardiness in writing this kind of announcement) and so, without farther ado… ## What Happened? While it still feels a little strange to say it, as of 2 Fridays ago (2/8) I am no longer employed at Rutgers University. Over the last 9 years as ...

Pop!Casts: Adrian Bowyer

Pop!Casts: A machine that builds itself? Adrian Bowyer, leading researcher at the University of Bath, shows us that this seemingly fantastic idea is not far from becoming reality. The self-replicating rapid prototyper, or “RepRap,” could have dramatic effects on people in developing countries. (Via The Pirates Dilemma.) The thought of being able to take any ...

Maven 2 tar.gz issues

I reinstalled my local copy of maven2 recently, and thought I’d add into to google a problem I experienced trying to unarchive the tar.gz or tar.bz2 flavors of their binary distribution. (.zip filesSowohl die Konstellation des eigenen Blattes wie auch Spieltaktiken, wie Bluffen lassen sich statistisch bewerten, daher online poker kostenlos gute Online Kasinopoker Spieler ...

Twitter Stats

Twitter Stats
Continuing the meme of looking at twitter usage, here’s mine: Heavily JA-SIG slanted, but Sakai is starting to gain…

SakaiCon Recap

Sitting on a flight, returning from the Sakai conference — still trying to take everything in. There’ll probably be more musing on the significance of specific items coming up, but things that struck me enough to want to brain dump were: * There was wide consensus during the planning sessions that there’s a desire to ...