
SVN Vendor Branch Wrangling

So… working on doing a relatively small SVN vendor branch upgrade, and so far finding things much more difficult than it seems like they should be. Problem 1: This was my fault — I checked in a vendor drop using `svn_load_dirs.pl` which had different line endings from my existing SVN tree. Of course, that resulted ...

New Macbook Pro

Got a new Macbook Pro (gotta add the pro at the end) at work, and have literally spent the whole day adding in all the stuff I “need” to make it my own development box. It’s amazing how much stuff you end up with that you quickly come to rely on. My short list seems ...

uP3 Day 1: Download & Install

Downloading uP3 quickstart was easy enough. Faizan exported RC1 from SVN and imported it into our CVS repository. build.properties seems not to have made it — maybe some kind of .cvsignore filter he had on Eclipse when he did the initial checkin. Tried hooking up to Oracle, ran into problems… Spent 30 min or so ...