
Sun licenses search software for desktop

Sun licensed the software from a small company in Alameda, Calif., called Karelia, which worked for years on a version of Watson for Apple computers. Sun has created a new version of the software–code-named Alameda–that runs on any Java-enabled computer, said Peder Ulander, senior director of marketing for Sun’s Desktop Solutions Group. Interesting. I was ...

MT 3.0 Quickpost-Opera Bug

The quickpost bookmarklet produced by Movabletype 3.0D inserts %20 in the place of spaces into the bookmarklet code. This causes Opera 7.5 to choke on the javascript. To fix the quickpost, just replace any occurances of %20 with a space.

Opera 7.5b for Mac

My Opera Forums – Opera for Mac bq. Opera Software today released the beta 1 of version 7.50, redesigned from the bottom up for Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris. Today’s release marks the first time that upgrades for all desktop platforms have been released simultaneously, with Opera now bringing its Mac browser up to ...

Code Beautifier and Textile

I’m testing out the “(extlink)MTCodeBeautifier”:http://voisen.org/archives/projects/000239.php plugin. bc[Java]. import java.io.* public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(“Hello World”); } }