
ACEGI supports OpenID

Blogroll: Acegi OpenID, Wicket Roadmap – O’Reilly ONJava Blog On the ACEGI developer list this morning, Ray Krueger announces OpenID support in ACEGI thanks to the efforts of Robin Bramley. If you don’t know what OpenID is yet, learn more about it over at http://openid.net. Also, some analysis of OpenID from Tim Bray (from Feb).” ...

I finally get REST. Wow.

I finally get REST. Wow. It’s depressing to think that SOAP started just about 10 years ago and that now that everything is said and done, we built RPC again. I know SOAP is really an XML messaging protocol, you can do oneway async stuff, etc, etc, but let’s face it. The tools make the ...

Philly Spring UG – Grails

Went to a Philly SpringFramework User Group Meeting last night (http://phillyspring.org/past_meetings.html) where a Grails committer demoed Grails. I have to admin, both Groovy and Grails were very impressing. Groovy’s syntax is nice, clean (especally collections – map,list literals, object literals), Java-like and expressive. Grails takes a lot of Rails inspired features like scaffolding, generators, conventions ...

uP3 Day 3: More Person Directory, Publishing, & CVS

Eric posted new PersonDirectory code which we updated to try to get — so we’re now running on changeset 2877, not RC1. Sometimes, CVS is just plain evil. Now performing the 3rd import. All kinds of issues with missing files due to default .cvsignore rules -I ! is your friend. Not such a productive day, ...

Kuali Infrastructure Suite

Building components aimed at serving needs of Kuali (Finance, Research, Student?), but hopefully reusable in other contexts. Kuali Rice – middleware to facilitate workflow, ESB, notification “Nervous System” “Rice Client” tied into ESB to pass around real-time messages and communication. One of the goals seems to be to limit the amount of Java code in ...