
Matt Raible JA-SIG Keynote

This post is me catching up with my podcasting from the JA-SIG Summer 2007 Conference in Denver. Matt Raible did a rendition of his Java Frameworks talk, discussing his experience with the various Java web frameworks. I’ve attached an (OK) audio transcript of the talk, which Matt also blogged about at: http://raibledesigns.com/rd/entry/ja_sig_comparing_java_web where he also ...

Certificates: Oracle Wallet -> Tomcat

Bottom line: scrub your certificates through Mozilla/Firefox. Keep reading if you want more background. So I recently experienced an unreasonable amount of pain trying to import a Verisign certificate that was locked into an Oracle Wallet for use in the Tomcat SSL connector. So of course the decent thing to do seems to be to ...

Deep-linking in Sakai

So something I’ve always really wanted Sakai to do for me is allow me to link directly to a specific item within a tool, deep-link into a wiki page, or individual test or assignment (ideally with nice RESTful URLs, but I’d settle for being able to do it at all). Yuji posted a note on ...

JA-SIG Conference: Matt Asay Keynote

> “Connected world, Connected Software”, “Open source produces better software” (81% of respondents via Gartner) Matt’s perspective on focusing innovation on the “last mile” plays well with my thoughts on focusing on delivering institutional value. It’s interesting in that he combines that perspective with the pitch that open-source empowers you to build software to suit ...

Gaming to Teach Java

via email from the Princeton JUG Another interesting resource for learning about Java and programming is http://www.greenfoot.org/. It is an interactive learning tool that starts by having you build a game world with actors, using a GUI. Then, you learn how to enhance the world by using Java code. It’s worth a look. At JavaOne ...