
Rails Logo Tussels

Rethink: Beginning Rails: From Novice to Professional: But where does this leave individual developers/firms/companies who’ve used the logo to promote Rails services or Rails-based products? If the logo is a trademark (and it is), then shouldn’t everyone who’s used it in vain stop using it? I should think so, but it would be nice if ...

Teenager sues over porn picture

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Staffordshire | Teenager sues over porn picture This BBC article has a note about a photo that a British teenage posted on the internet was snapped up and used on the cover of an adult DVD. Adding insult to injury though, is the company’s response to the girl’s ...

Fuel for Thought: Financial Page: The New Yorker

Fuel for Thought: Financial Page: The New Yorker: In calling for a law requiring better gas mileage in our cars, then, voters are really saying that they’re unhappy with the collective result of the choices they make as buyers. This is a neat quote, summing up how competitive pressures can cause every individual to become ...

JA-SIG Conference: Matt Asay Keynote

> “Connected world, Connected Software”, “Open source produces better software” (81% of respondents via Gartner) Matt’s perspective on focusing innovation on the “last mile” plays well with my thoughts on focusing on delivering institutional value. It’s interesting in that he combines that perspective with the pitch that open-source empowers you to build software to suit ...

JA-SIG Conference: Unconference Planning

Thinking about things to do for the new JA-SIG. Some talk on various topics related to un-conferences, and other bits. There was actually a lot of interesting discussion about regional conferences, video meetings, un-conferences, events focused on collaborating on whitepages, etc. I’ll updated with an audio transcript… uhhh… when I get a chance…