
Google Wave Invites

Got another batch of Google Wave invites – drop me a line if you need them. Update: This batch all gone – will let people know if I get another group.

Shooting myself in the foot w/maven:release

I was using mvn:release (release:prepare, release:perform) to release a number of modules today (for several hours – so much for speeding up through automation) but kept getting errors to the effect of: [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot connect. Reason: Auth fail [INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot connect. Reason: Auth fail It ...

NYC-Sakai UG & Sakai 3 (and more)

Had the chance to meet up with some people from all around (NYU, Columbia, Marist, Zach and some others) last night in NYC to talk about all things including what sounds like some really exciting movement around Sakai 3. Was a great time, and real refreshing to see everyone again in person. Sadly I’m a ...

Recommended Programmer Reading

I was recently asked via email what training or whatnot I would recommend to bring a programming team up to speed on Java. A couple options come to mind – depending on the overall scope of your programming team and their past experience (if I can ask – what is your past experience?) but, I ...

“Sakai Courseware Management” – *the* Sakai Book

This may be old news to others, but I finally have my copy of the new “Sakai Courseware Management” book (courtesy of the folks over at Packt) and more surprisingly have even been able to carve out time to read the contents. For people who may not have been aware, this is the book that ...