
Music is Struggling

Killing the Music – When I started in the music business, music was important and vital to our culture. Artists connected with their fans. Record labels signed cutting-edge artists, and FM radio offered an incredible variety of music. Music touched fans in a unique and personal way. Our culture was enriched and the music business ...

Palm Dropping Mac Support

Dan Gillmor writes about Palm Dropping Mac OS Sync Support in their new “Cobalt” devices. Considering that Mac users are an easily targeted, easily protected relatively affluent community that has demonstrated a willingness to purchase expensive computer peripherals I think Palm is making a mistake. Native Mac support may not be a deciding factor for ...

Cuban Buick Sails to FL

Cuban Buick Sails to FL
Maybe better mileage, but no freedom – MIAMI — A group of Cubans who tried to sail to the United States in a 1959 Buick sedan fashioned into a boat have been intercepted at sea by the U.S. Coast Guard, relatives in Cuba and Cuban exiles said yesterday. [ “(extlink)the Star-Ledger”:http://www.nj.com/starledger ] I can’t believe ...

My Yahoo RSS

My Yahoo Beta Tests RSS Feeds – Everyone is buzzing about the fact that Yahoo is beta testing the addition of any RSS feed to it’s My Yahoo portal, a move that may signal an inroad to the mainstream. I didn’t want to comment on this until I had a chance to play with it; ...


Waypath Weblog: New Version of our MT Plugin p. I’ve started using the Waypath plugin to provide a “similar entries on other sites” section in the sidebar. I had tried using the Google search feature built into MT, but wasn’t happy with the results. So far I’ve been somewhat happier with the Waypath items, but ...