
Are Girls Evil?

Ablog: Amusing math argument, are girls evil? “(extlink)Dave Winer”:http://www.scripting.com has a funny entry where he purports to show that bc. girls = evil. Since, roughly from the time I was 12, I have rather felt the opposite, I was saddened that my beloved mathematics could fail so miserably. So, as a mathematician by training, I ...

Search Ads Violate Trademark?

Geico sues Google, Overture over trademarks | CNET News.com bq. Geico, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, the investment company owned by Warren Buffett, filed suit against Google and Yahoo-owned Overture on May 4, in federal court in Alexandria, Va. The insurer charged the two companies with infringing on its trademarks when they sold them as ...

JetBlue Customer Service at Home

“(extlink)Calling JetBlue”:http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/82/jetblue_agents.html bq. Equipping agents with a home computer eliminates the need for a large expensive call center. It also boosts efficiency and retention in a job with traditionally high turnover. It offers agents, many of them at-home moms, flexible part-time work. When call volume is down, someone on the operations desk in the Salt ...

Michael Moore’s New Film

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Disney ‘blocks’ Moore documentary bq. Moore, who won an Oscar for Bowling for Columbine in 2003, questioned whether in a “free and open society” Disney should be making such a decision. While much of “(extlink)Michael Moore’s work”:http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0601619/ has been excellent, I think he takes it a bit far when a ...

Disposable Cars

New cars are getting too expensive to fix | csmonitor.com bq. Costly air bags, expensive electronics, and lightweight body materials are driving up the cost of fixing new cars. Not only do many more parts have to be replaced rather than repaired, but fewer and fewer body shops can afford the special equipment and training ...