
New Targum Business Manager and Marketing Director

Congratulations to Jennifer Vandertoorn and Christopher Sisti, the new Business Manager and Marketing Director for the Targum Publishing Company. Congratulations to both of you as well as the many other excellent candidates who came out to interview, and best of luck for next year and at the CNBAM conference next week.

Targum Interview Update

Things are going well with interviews, and hopefully I’ll be done soon. Meanwhile, I have a DBMS exam on Monday, but so far studying is going well.

Snow, snow, and more snow

Snow this week has been unbelievable. My car was streetside parked, and it took me and Lisa almost 40 minutes to dig it out. (The first 5 minutes were actually pretty fun, just like playing in the snow as a little kid. 15 minutes later, when the snow plow came by and plowed me back ...

Interesting Items

I’m starting to add some other interesting items, in addition to the newslinks I have a photo album, guestbook, and some other items in the offering. Hopefully over the next few days I’ll manage to put things together.

Targum Headlines

I’ve added headlines from the Daily Targum where I work to give you an idea of some of the events that are occuring in the Rutgers area.