
Rutgers UBC_Webmail Modifications

Rutgers UBC_Webmail Modifications
George Lindholm wrote: I’m starting some work on the UBC Webmail channel as part of our 2.0.3 to 2.5.x upgrade project. George — I’ve responded inline to get notes on the list, there’s a blog version of this online at: which has pictures which is probably much simpler to get a feel for what I’m ...

HCI @ Google

HCI @ Google
I found out about a talk by Josh Mittelman (HCI Engineer from Google) at Rutgers SCILS building, and talked a couple of coworkers from work into going. Josh covered some bits about Google’s approach to HCI and showed examples from some projects. Things to take away: Main Google UI metaphor is search results list, STRONG ...

Portlet Repository Protocol

Java.net has a project for a Portlet Repository Protocol that would let portals go out and retrieve pre-compiled binary portlets, which could then be installed and offered to users. I’ve thought for a while that portlets could do with Eclipse style add/update, and this seems like it could be promising foundational work to roll and ...

Gainfully Employed

Gainfully Employed
As you can see by the orgchart above, I have accepted an offer of employment from Rutgers University Office of Information Technology. I’m working full-time as of 1/26/2005, and will be working on the myRutgers Portal among other projects. You can see me reporting to the “vacant” box in the lower right hand corner. Although ...

Moving to Markdown

I’ve started using John Gruber’s Markdown. While I’ve been a fan of the [Textile](http://www.textism.com/textile) system for a while, Markdown’s sytax feels cleaner to me, particularly when you’re looking at it in plain text. The main purpose of the various markup generators to me seems to be to ensure that your formatting distracts as little from ...