
Blogging styles: Articles or Links?

I haven’t blogged on this site for a while. I have made some posts to my RUJason site using Blogger. Since blogger’s redesign and the launch of MT 3.0 I’ve been comparing the 2 services and have come to the conclusion that both are now mature, capable platforms specialized for different styles, comments & links, ...

Plagiarism Detectors

A survey of around 350 undergraduates found nearly 25% had copied text from another source at least once. A new service that can scan 4.5 billion web pages is now online so that lecturers can check the originality of the work submitted by students. I wonder how much of this plagiarism would be avoided if ...

More Open, Scriptable NSPlugins

RELEASE: Mozilla Foundation Announces More Open, Scriptable Plugins Adobe, Apple, Macromedia, Opera and Sun Microsystems join in push to modernize plugins and create a richer web experience This sounds like it would be a great step forward in terms of building rich clients in the browser. Looking at the raft of companies involved, I wonder ...

Pocket Real PC

msmobiles.com – Sony launches the smallest PC of the world: Sony VAIO U series * display: 800×600 pixels (touchscreen with stylus, not digitizer – thus requiremetns to be a Tablet PC are not met – Tablet PC needs to have a digitizer so that touching the screen with fingers doesn’t work) * operating system: Windows ...

Code Beautifier and Textile

I’m testing out the “(extlink)MTCodeBeautifier”:http://voisen.org/archives/projects/000239.php plugin. bc[Java]. import java.io.* public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(“Hello World”); } }