

Waypath Weblog: New Version of our MT Plugin p. I’ve started using the Waypath plugin to provide a “similar entries on other sites” section in the sidebar. I had tried using the Google search feature built into MT, but wasn’t happy with the results. So far I’ve been somewhat happier with the Waypath items, but ...

Shrook and an Automatic (OPML) Blogroll

I’ve discovered myself relying more and more upon “(extlink)Shrook”:http://www.fondantfancies.com/shrook/ (my MacOSX RSS Aggregator) to get my daily newsfix. In addition to the standard functionality of allowing me to subscribe to sites, and identifying new posts, Shrook also automatically syncs with “(extlink)Shrook.com”:http://www.shrook.com both keeping track of which stories I’ve read regardless of what computer I’m on ...

Movable Type Upgrade Coming

Movable Type 3.0 – We realize that official news has been scarce over the last 6-9 months. During this time, our company has grown from two people to seven, and we have launched TypePad . Now that we have hired more engineering resources (and we are still looking for more ), we are able to ...

Scripturizer Movable Type Plugin

p. “(extlink)Dean Peters”:http://mt-plugins.org/archives/entry/scripturizer.php has created an excellent “(extlink)Movable Type”:http://www.movabletype.org plugin which I’m using to automatically build links to passages in my comments on my daily devotional. His text processor automatically replaces chapter and verse references with a link to “(extlink)Bible Gateway”:http://www.biblegateway.com . The only item I had to make was a slight modification to the ...

Textile Plug-in

p. I’ve installed “Brad Choate’s”:http://www.bradchoate.com/past/mttextile.php MT-Textile Plugin and am experimenting with taking my entries further in the direction of structured text. The Textile language, developed by Dean Allen and expounded in his “Textism”:http://textism.com website seems to me to be a much needed shorthand for properly using some of the many HTML constructs which exist, but ...